Wednesday, January 7, 2009

it was red and yellow and green and brown and scarlet and black and okre and peach and ruby and olive and violet and fawn and lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve and green and crimson and silver and rose and asher and lemon and russet and grey and purple and white and pink and orange and BLUE

It's been absolutely great to be home. I've spent a lot of time with my family and I was able to see all my friends at some point :) Christmas was great, we got a Wii game that mom has gotten addicted too, Lara Croft Underworld hah. New Year's was a lot of fun! Weird it's 2009! Man. Well, I go home Sunday, I hope it's pretty weather!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"I'm gettin nuttin for Christmas cause I contributed to the greenhouse effect, melting the polar ice caps, melting where Santa Claus lives, he's mad."

Quote from Relient K's "Let it Snow Baby, Let it Reindeer" CD that my mom sent me and i LOVE! It's been Dead Week and Exam Week, I don't understand why that's it's so dead and bad. I attract luck and I finished my English course back in October so no final there, I took my Nursing exam last week and I did fine because it was off the study guide, I have to write an essay on the book, Life of the Beloved, to turn in Thursday and just have a 1.5 hour discussion for my Bible exam. Chemistry was a little tough, but I will sitll come out fine. Today I took Communication that was a piece of cake because I took perfect notes at the review, thank you Macbook! I have proof that it is white in Arkansas right now. I'm hoping it melts because I definitely do not want to drive in it. I have been extremely excited that it snowed here, but apparently my northern friends let me know that it is sleet.... and there apparently IS a difference. They let me enjoy it while I can even though apparently it is "typical weather blah blah blah" for lucky them. I love this white weather regardless what it is. So exam week, where I have one exam a day and then I'm done, this couldn't be anymore perfect I think! But I hear as your classes get harder this week becomes more dreary. My glass is half full. I go home in 2 days 3 hours 2 minutes and 34 seconds! Whoopie! There's no place like home for the holidays! Merry Christmas to all! Love you!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm about to go to lab.. ick! 2.5 more days and I'll be home sweet home! I love the new Taylor Swift song "Love Story" it's so cute! I've been really burnt out lately, thinkin, stressin, and goin too much. There's a ton of Bible homework I have to do this week. Holden got his braces off! That was about a month ago but I'm going to post a picture anyway because he's SOOOO Cute! Hope everyone's doing well, takes naps when you can and think of me before you do. Don't be shy to send mail! I love it! All the grandparents hit me up, Kudos! I love yall! Of course the fam has, so has Libby, the Holladays, the Gammons, the Smiths, and Bina, and a few others, but forgive me, the names are slipping my mind. Love everyone! It's the holiday season, a whoopdie doo!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The picture is from the weekend John and Holden came up and *surprised* me. We all just look too happy don't we?

Hey guys! Things are going good, I'm having random outbursts where I just miss home and It makes me really frustrated. I have had trouble sleeping the past couple of nights, and that really stinks. I decided to fast my phone today so I can get some stuff done, and I also wanted to see how big a difference it made. I will probably try and fast my computer over the weekend, we will see! I get to sign up for spring classes tomorrow, that's exciting! Well, I love you guys and I hope God continues to bless your lives!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I got in bed at 9 pm. I woke up at 10 pm. Girls have been running up and down the halls above me and on my floor. Girls everywhere are yelling. Outside the building and in the building. It is now 12:16:34 am and I want to go to sleep.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So, It has been quite a busy month for me. I have been going to mixers for Pi Theta Phi, and I then had to do visitation where I visited all the members in their dorm rooms. I received a bid on Bid Day and wow what a week! Sunday night we were given our pledge pages and we learned we had to receive every member and pledge's signature before the week ended. Also, we had to decorate our pledge book, carry a decorated pumpkin with us at all times, wear our name tags all the time, get 105 guy's signatures as "dates", and dedicate about 8-10 hours a day to the pledge process. It was so overwhelming! Throughout the week we had a dance off, we played musical pies (the first two pies, I happened to get, and they were delicious! The third pie another girl received, and that is when they began to contain corn, beans, spaghettios, cheese dip, ick!), played team building games, made cheers, and so many more things! Friday night, "rough night," they dressed in all black and made us do goofy stuff while we couldn't smile. (If we did, we had to either bury it in the ground or flush it down the toilet.) That was difficult. We then were told that three girls had not completed their pledge books and there was the option that we didn't let those three girls get in, or everyone not get in. With our backs turned, our big sisters through our jerseys over our head and everyone was hysterical! We then spent the night at a girl's house Friday night. Saturday I was so gross, I slept till 2 and did nothing until I saw Hocus Pocus on campus at 7. I then returned to Chai Night, singing around a campfire, for the night. I have discovered a church I really love, it is called Fellowship, and it is a non-denom church. The worship is good, it's a smaller church and the fellowship is really tight, and they inform the church of some service activity every week. I learned about a program called K-Life one Sunday. It takes place in this house, and Nicole and Burk have 4th & 5th, middle school, and high schoolers over to the K-Life house during the week. The build Christian relationships and leadership with the kids and they have games, worship, devotionals, and service projects. I attended the middle school K-Life Tuesday night and I am so excited about that program and hope to get more involved. I also went to beloved Walmart last night and bought items (recorder, chalk, yo-yo, baby dolls, stickers, hair ties) for a Christmas shoebox ministry. These items are placed in a shoebox and given to children in other countries. It spreads the love of Christ and I'm so excited to be a part of it! Another shocker: I signed up to play club volleyball! Of course I am on D-Team and I won't be under too much pressure. But I'm excited! My first team sport! I hope everyone is having such a blessed day and I hope we remain joyful and thankful during the holidays to come. I love you!
Erin FoFerin Fee Fi Fo Ferin

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hey guys! My first few weeks have been going great! I'm really getting excited about the social club process, I'm favoring Delta Gamma Rho and Pi Theta Phi. My suite still gets along great! We joke around with each other a lot, and we've stayed up late just laughing (last night the people next door banged on the wall because we were too loud, tikes! We felt really bad) I'm missing home very much, I have these random dreams where I'm home and I wake up and I'm totally messed up and confused where I am. Last Saturday we went just past Little Rock and climbed Pinnacle Mountain, it was soooo beautiful, and kind of a tough climb! Later that night we went to chai-night where we sang church songs around a campfire out in this guy's backyard/ field thing for a few hours, and they passed around chai tea in a cup and loaves of bread. Kind of hippie times, but I love singing around the fire. My suitemates toilet papered our room the other day. They keep making fun of my fire-fighter teddy bear. We've had fun dancing every night we watch this you tube video, search it please: Come With Me (To the Luau). We dance to that before we go to bed, the video made by the Harding Fun Police. I've been trying to catch up on Heroes, Taylor received Season Two in the mail so I'm half way done with it. I sort of redid my room, added some pictures to the wall and recreated my deskspace, it looks so much better. Also, any hook that was put up when my parents were here has fallen down, so I don't know what's up with that. Our bathroom is so gross, there's not a vent in there, and so mildew is quite an issue. That was so icky and hard to scrub. I have gotten mail from: Tutu and Libby. Soooo.... if you didn't make this list, I would highly recommend you think about it :) Well, I hope you have a blessed day! Keep in touch :)